Monday, 27 July 2015

Kiernan Kelly - Murderer PT2

A new claim about hushed up killings involves a man convicted of two murders in 1984, but who later confessed to eight murders, has hit the public consciousness.  A former detective, Geoff Platt, has stated publicly that the Police decided to cover up the claims of Kiernan Kelly, in order to avert a panic on the London Underground.  Kelly was a vagrant and drifter, who told Police that his tally of murders was actually eighteen.  Most of them, he said, he pushed in front of oncoming trains, and were looked upon as suicides.  Detective Platt was told to investigate the claims made by Kiernan.  He said himself that he initially, he thought it was a load of bollocks.   Then he discovered that people were dying in front of trains, with Kelly at the scene, and that he happened to be stood next to the jumper.

    Mr Platt says that a decision was taken not to brief or inform the press that a man had been going around shoving unsuspecting people in front of trains, fearing a panic, and people would stop using the line.  Kiernan was convicted of killing William Boyd and Hector Fisher but cleared of murdering Maurice Weighly in Soho and the attempted murder of an elderly man who who was pushed in front of a train in 1982.  The train driver managed to stop in time.  Did he commit all these murders?  There must be something to the claims for a detective at the time, who did investigate the claims, to believe them.

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